
Тег секурно в блоге Linda-chan


Imagine someone could turn your laptop, smartphone, or even your gaming console into a tracking device without your knowledge. Our research team discovered a way this can happen through Apple's Find My network - the same system that helps people find their lost iPhones and AirTags. The Find My network uses over a billion Apple devices worldwide. When an AirTag is lost, it sends out Bluetooth signals that nearby iPhones pick up. These iPhones then secretly report the AirTag's location to Apple's cloud, allowing the owner to see where their lost item is. We found a security problem that lets hackers use this system to track almost any device with Bluetooth capabilities - not just Apple products. We call this attack "nRootTag."



Мобила, раздающая вайфай, показывает в списке подрубившихся только устройства, получившие по DHCP айпишник.


Сопоставление номеров телефонов и логинов пользователей телеграмки через аватарки. Я была близка к такой идее.
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Там ссылка на обсуждение «Прецедентов выдачи номера телефона органам не было» :}

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