5 Smarthome Devices You Shouldn’t Buy
Your Toilet Doesn’t Need Bluetooth
Even at first glance, it’s hard to get behind the concept of a smart toilet. And the recommendation against buying one is a perfect example of too much complication and expense for not enough benefit.
Consider what smart some toilets offer: heated seats, night lights, remote controls, Bluetooth speakers, and adjustable water temperature. Some offer touch screens to set preferences; others boast better water usage.
But you could replicate some those features, like the Bluetooth speakers and night lights, and still use a standard toilet. You’d save money too; smart toilets can cost anywhere between $900 and $8000. And that often doesn’t include the cost of installation, which may call for an electrician if you don’t have convenient wiring for your toilet.
A standard toilet doesn’t call for electrical work and can range anywhere from $100 to $320 depending on optional features like a dual flush system, which saves on water usage.
