Даже Рэймонд Чен может время от времени пофонтанировать шутками и приколами. Хайлайтс!

I was not the only one to do an analysis of the internals of SoftRAM 95. Some guy named Mark Russinovich also took the product apart and came to the same conclusions. I wonder what happened to that guy. He seems kind of sharp.
I heard through the grapevine (by way of marketing) that the company had two developers for the product, one for the device driver and the other for the user interface. So I guess what they were missing was a third developer to write the compression engine.
How did this program manage to earn a “Designed for Windows 95” sticker? Easy: Because it was designed for Windows 95.
Validating a “Learn German in 30 Days” program would have to verify that all the vocabulary and grammar are correct, and then have somebody use the program for 30 days and see if they learned German.
