

Линда Кайе

Дата рождения: 01.11.1983

Тотальная неудачница и убийца жёстких дисков. Самая большая поклонница Ариэль. Член ордена Вселенского тормоза имени Осаки-сан. Любительница каваййных переднеприводных машинок. Суккуб на полставки. Когти прилагаются.


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09 Jul 2021

One thing I love about anime conventions is the way they enabled me to meet J-List fans every year to chat and catch up with them. Once a girl approached me at Otakon to talk about her future plans to study in Japan, and we became email friends. She was black and asked me to recommend a black anime character that she might cosplay.
I was confused at first, wondering why she would want to limit herself to only black anime characters? I could think of nothing cooler than a unique re-imagining of a character like Sailor Moon or whoever with different skin color. It got me thinking about the special place dark-skinned characters have in the anime we love to watch.

Хорошие, наверное, у него модераторы.

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