Нэймчип передумал! Но есть нюанс.
А что там с неймчипом? Домены блочат?
Дата рождения: 01.11.1983
Тотальная неудачница и убийца жёстких дисков. Самая большая поклонница Ариэль. Член ордена Вселенского тормоза имени Осаки-сан. Любительница каваййных переднеприводных машинок. Суккуб на полставки. Когти прилагаются.
Нэймчип передумал! Но есть нюанс.
А что там с неймчипом? Домены блочат?
Russia service termination
Unfortunately, due to the Russian regime's war crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine, we will no longer be providing services to users registered in Russia. While we sympathize that this war may not affect your own views or opinion on the matter, the fact is, your authoritarian government is committing human rights abuses and engaging in war crimes so this is a policy decision we have made and will stand by.
If you hold any top-level domains with us, we ask that you transfer them to another provider by March 6, 2022.
Additionally, and with immediate effect, you will no longer be able to use Namecheap Hosting, EasyWP, and Private Email with a domain provided by another registrar in zones .ru, .xn--p1ai (рф), .by, .xn--90ais (бел), and .su. All websites will resolve to 403 Forbidden, however, you can contact us to assist you with your transfer to another provider.
Russia policy update
We would like to make a correction to our policy of terminating services to customers in Russia — announced yesterday.
Firstly, we will make exceptions for all anti-regime media, protest resources, and any type of websites that are helping to end this war and regime — we will continue to welcome you using our services. Please accept our apologies for any disruption this caused, and we thank you for helping to fight against this tyranny.
The above also applies if you are no longer a resident of Russia and do not support the regime in any way.
Extending original termination date
For those who will still be affected by our decision to terminate Namecheap services to Russia, we are extending the termination date to three weeks from today. Please make sure you have moved your services to another provider by March 22, 2022.
If there are legitimate reasons that you may need more time, we will make exceptions if they are deemed reasonable.
Thank you for your understanding
We are thankful to everyone who supports Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Civilians are being killed at this very moment by Russian forces, paid for directly or indirectly by the taxes of Russian citizens. We hope every person in Russia can understand this and recognize the horrible atrocities that are happening right now being committed by the Russian regime.
Наивность 146% процентов. В духе криков украинцев в Твитторе "вы все виноваты, вы все его поддерживаете" и "вы либо свергаете либо вы за".
Когда им объясняют что Путин не особо спрашивал чьего либо мнения и что свергаторы просто пойдут осваивать арктические регионы реакции ноль.
Я все понимаю, но реальность такова.
Linda-chan, а вы почему не хотите устроить принудительные перевыборы? Или вам таки нравится?
Toyoku-mono, в 1917 тоже был Царь.
Ну и Янукович себя тоже неплохо чувствовал и вполне собирался царствовать.
Но немного не успел.